Saturday, October 30, 2010

Nail art 30 Oktober 2010

Nail art kali ini suangaat simpel. Hanya di tambah warna hitam saja di bagian atas kuku supaya kutek milani nya ada variasi dikit, hehehe... :DAdonan:TSF Base CoatMilani 3D Nail Lacquer - Hi Res

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Milani 3D Holographic Specialty Nail Lacquer - Hi Res

Dari beberapa kutek yang kubeli, yang pertama kucoba sebenarnya OPI Color So Hot It Berns, hanya saja cuma di 1 kuku, soalnya base coat ku sedang habis. Ketika aku membeli kutek TSF Nail vita base coat, baru aku berani menggunakan kutek di semua jari, dan kali ini aku menggunakan Milani 3D Holographic Specialty Nail Lacquer - Hi Res.Pertama kali aku memakai kutek ini, rasanya kutek ini tebal.

Recent Beauty Items Purchase

Halo, setelah lama tidak posting, aku kembali lagi, huehuehue... Ini beberapa kutek yang baru kubeli untuk melengkapi koleksiku.Dari kiri ke kanan:OPI Color So Hot It BernsTSF Nail Vita BW 704TSF Nail Vita BW 705TSF Nail Vita Base CoatLA Colors Nail Polish - hint of silverMilani 3D Holographic Specialty Nail Lacquer - hi res

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Men Luxury ManicureMen's Manicure Grooming Set with Clippers, Tweezers and Scissors: Keep your nails in top condition with this simple grooming kit. Including toe and fingernail clippers, tweezers and grooming scissors, have a perfectly manicured appearance without trying.Men&39s Leather Manicure Set Black Personalised Leather Cased Manicure/Grooming

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Basic Tips For At-Home Manicures Nail Art

If you are planning to paint your manicures at home, you can save money and still get a lovely result. At-home manicures can be as simple or as detailed as you like, depending on your skills and comfort in painting your own nails. Consider these basic tips for at-home manicures to get you started.Basic Tips For At-Home Manicures Nail ArtSalon manicures can cost a bundle while also requiring

Nice Abstract Design nail Art

Abstract nail patterns would also serve as the best blueprint to copycat. These simple patterns created without any difficulties would help you practice the tiny lines, spots and cute designs as well as basic shapes to be able to handle the more complex designs with mastery. Mix/match the different shades from a wider nail color palette in order to see the perfect combos to create various

Flower Design Nail Art With 2010

Flower Design Nail Art With 2010Floral nail art is the best idea to start with as it might help you learn how to draw the fine lines and play with proportions. The simple as well as more complex flower images look fabulous both paired with long and short nails. Those who would like to surprise their friends with a stylish manicure should ask their help to practice the various techniques.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nail art gel Images

Nail art gelNail art gelNail art gelNail art gelNail art gelNail art gel

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Two nail lacquers are included in the Liberty of London collection: Blue India, a teal-ish blue shade; and Vestral White, a creamy milky white hue. I haven't tried either of these, but the Blue India nail lacquer looks fantastic, and the packaging is beyond cute.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Best Designs Celebrity Nails

Celebrities don’t hold back when it comes to making a statement — on their nails! Take a look at the cute, the quirky, and the incredibly unique designs that are starting beauty trends everywhere.Best Designs Celebrity Nails Best Designs Celebrity Nails

How to do Nail Art at Home

When using press-on nail art, make sure you plan carefully. When you are choosing what piece of art to press on, make sure it will show up on the color polish you’re currently rocking. Oh, and for goodness sake, make sure your polish is dried! This can be disastrous on all accounts!How to do Nail Art at Home Jewels: The most important thing to remember about using gems or jewels on your

Beautiful Blue Nail Art

Nail art is a seemingly simple subject. However, with the many different options that come along with nail art in today’s time as well as the emerging ones, it can be quite confusing. Nail art really can mean anything from polishing your nails to having them airbrushed at a salon in a beautiful design. How to do nail art at home, however, narrows down the subject just a bit. Beautiful Blue Nail

How do women use rhinestones for nails?

Rhinestones for nails can be applied in several ways, depending on the type of gem. Some rhinestones for nails are self-adhesive and some need to be applied using glue. For beginner’s practicing simple nail designs for the first time, self-adhesive rhinestones are best. Advanced nail fanatics may prefer applying rhinestones for nails with glue because they are more durable. Some women decide not

Latest Nail Art Trends 2010

Latest Nail Art Trends 2010Here are some amazing gallery of various types of nail art designs. Decide which nail art design do you prefer and try to make you nails look like these: Latest Nail Art Trends Pictures for 2010 Latest Nail Art Trends Pictures for 2010 Latest Nail Art Trends Pictures for 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Nail Art - 4 Oktober 2010

Adonan:Base Coat : Missha Base CoatTSF Pedicure Sparkle - Blue HoleStudio Color - WhiteAqualip - Black

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Skin Food - Pedicure Sparkle Blue Hole

Iseng-iseng malem2 ga ada kerjaan, akhirnya aku main2 kutek, hahaha... Kali ini, swatch nya TSF Pedicure Sparkle _ Blue Hole.Untuk warna ini, sekali oles sebenarnya sudah keluar, cuma aku kurang sreg kalo cuma sekali oles, jadinya 2 kali oles.

Mustika Ratu - Hair Mask

Aku biasanya hair mask seminggu sekali. Beberapa minggu yang lalu aku tertarik mencoba hair mask dari Mustika Ratu ini. Di kemasannya tertulis, Hair Mask Cem-ceman akar wangi. Dan setelah kucoba... beneran wangiii. Wanginya awet lho sampe seharian. Kira-kira aku sudah 3 kali menggunakan hair mask ini. Kalau hasilnya, belum terlalu terlihat, karena sebenarnya tujuanku pakai hair mask ini untuk

Geo Super Nudy - Green

Sebenarnya aku membeli softlens ini beberapa bulan yang lalu, hanya saja baru dipakai sekarang2 ini, karena softlens ku yang sebelumnya belum habis expirednya.Setelah memilih milih warna, akhirnya kuputuskan untuk membeli warna hijau lagi. Hahaha... lagi-lagi hijau. Untuk warna softlens, aku baru mencoba warna biru dan hijau saja, tapi entah mengapa, menurutku warna hijau di mata jatuhnya jadi

Hakugen - Oil Clear Film

Biasanya ku menggunakan oil film merk Gatsby, tapi karena habis, aku mencoba merk Hakugen. Oil Film ini kubeli di Guardian. Perbedaannya dengan oil film Gatsby, menurutku tidak terlalu jauh, harganya Hakugen ini sedikit lebih mahal dibanding Gatsby.  Oil film Hakugen ini juga tidak gampang melar ketik ditarik. Dalam hal menyerap minyak, menurutku mirip2 dengan Gatsby.Kesimpulan : sukaaa...

Nivea Soft - Krim Lembut

Sekitar 1 bulan yang lalu aku mulai mencoba produk ini karena penasaran setelah baca review nya di forum2. Sebenarnya aku ragu, karena kulitku ini tipenya sensitive. Setelah beli, langsung coba di wajah bagian pipi, setelah beberapa menit, karena ngga terjadi apa2, mulai coba seluruh wajah. Setelah 2 jam, wajahku terlihat berkilau, rasanya lengket. Untungnya produk ini tidak membuatku jadi
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