Saturday, August 28, 2010

NYX - Lipgloss Megashine Perfect

Lipgloss NYX ini kemarin begitu sampai langsung kucoba (, hehe...) Menurutku, teksturnya agak kental, tapi di bibir terasa lembut,  sesuai dengan namanya "megashine", cukup mengkilap di bibir. Untuk warnanya, aku memilih warna dengan nama "perfect". Tapi di bibirku agak kurang keluar warnanya jika hanya satu layer. Tapi kalau dipakai berlayer-layer takutnya terlihat sangat mengkilap,

Recent Beauty Items Purchase

Akhirnya pesanan moon cake datang juga. Kali ini aku membeli beberapa beauty items seperti: nyx lipgloss megashine perfect, TSF lettuce cucumber matte finish gel, acnes uv tint, dan etude precious mineral bb cream#2 sheer glowing.Nanti akan ku review satu per satu yah, sesuai dari yang mana dulu yang dipakai ^_^

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Nail Art History

Sculpting History Nail ArtMetallic Nails is the first Australian distributor of the Trendy Nails Unlimited product range, straight from the USA. Trendy Nails Unlimited (TNU) is a spankin' new, cutting edge invention for designing stylish, eye catching nails. TNU allows you to choose from a myriad of creative designs. This provides you and your client access to the up and coming, 'trendy', fashion

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Manicures and Nail Extensions

Beautiful Nail Designs The key to having beautiful nail art is to start with beautiful nails. If yours are bitten down to the quick, apply acrylic ones first. Once they are shaped and sculpted, apply a neutral base then start drawing your chosen design with a fine-tipped brush. Cheaters can buy pre-made stick-on gems and other designs, smarter cheaters (with more cash to spare) can have

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Skin Food - Nail Lavender remover

Untuk nail remover, aku dari dulu selalu menggunakan remover ini. Sampai saat ini belum ada keinginan untuk ganti dengan product lain, karena aku bingung juga mau ganti dengan merk apa. Sejauh ini Nail Remover ini enak dipakai, wanginya juga enak.

Nail Polish

Aku termasuk orang yang senang dengan nail art. Dulu, saat pertama-tama kenal dengan nail art, aku bisa tiap seminggu sekali gonta ganti desain. Rasanya senang jika bisa membuat desain yang baru. Tapi sekarang-sekarang ini, karena disibukan dengan skripsi, hobiku ini agak-agak sedikit tertunda. Beberapa nail polish yang sering aku gunakan yaitu The Skin Food, Revlon, Missha, dll. Aku juga senang

The Skin Food - Milk Mania Washable Cleansing Gel

Karena akhir-akhir ini aku menggunakan BB Cream, maka untuk membersihkan wajah, aku mulai mencari-cari product pembersih make up. Akhirnya pilihanku jatuh pada product Cleansing Gel datri TSF ini. Yang aku suka pertama-tama bau-nya. Harum, hehehe... Awalnya aku agak bingung dengan cara pemakaiannya, tapi ternyata aku tidak teliti, cara pemakaiannya ada di balik botolnya, hahaha... Karena

Artdeco - Eyeliner, Lipliner, Eyebrow

Petama kali mencoba product ini aku merasa product ini sangat bagus. Untuk eyelinernya, warnanya mudah keluar, hanya saja walaupun product ini dikatakan waterproof, menurutku tidak terlalu waterproof. Mungkin karena kondisi kulitku yang berminyak, jadi sekitar 5 jam-an, eyeliner di mataku sudah terlihat beleber, untungya tidak terlalu kelihatan kalau dilihat dari jauh. Terkadang, kalau pensilnya

Monday, August 16, 2010

Schwarzkopf - Light Volume

Aku mendapatkan product ini dari saudaraku yang tinggal di Norwegia. Dia bekerja di sebuah salon di sana. Maka ketika ia main ke Indonesia, ia membawakanku berbagai macam barang2 salon, seperti hair spray ini. Pertama kali mencobanya, aku langsung suka dengan bau-nya. Hair spray ini kupakai hanya kadang2, hanya ketika aku pergi ke pesta, atau ke acara2 penting lainnya. Hair spray ini cukup

The Skin Food - Aloe BB Cream Shade #2

Halo, kali ini aku akan mereview BB Cream. Sebelum memakai BB Cream TSF Aloe shade 2, aku membeli beberapa sampel, yaitu TSF Aloe shade 1, dan TSF Mushroom shade 1. Untuk TSF Aloe shade 1, aku merasa warnanya terlalu gelap dan kekuningan, sehingga saat di apply ke wajahku, warna wajahku jadi agak aneh, dan juga TSF Aloe shade 1 ini kurang menyamarkan noda2 merah jerawatku. Untuk TSF Mushroom

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nail Care Preparation

Blended Glitter Nail DesignIf you already take care of your hands and feet, you may only need to apply lotion before doing your nails. At a minimum, wash your hands or feet and apply lotion. After applying a moisturizing lotion, take a towel and rub it well across each nail. Also use the towel on your hands. This will remove any oils on your nails so the nail art stays in place when you apply it

Monday, August 2, 2010

Caring for Your Acrylic Nails

Acrylic NailsAcrylic nails are one type of artificial nails that you can buy. They are made by mixing a chemical powder with a chemical liquid. The safest and highest quality acrylic nails are made with Ethyl Methacrylate (EMA), however, a less expensive variety of artificial nails that are also safe are made with Methyl Methacrylate (MMA). It is important to buy the highest quality artificial

The Joy of Artistic Nail Art

Finger Nail ArtNail art is a beautiful art that is a popular fashion trend in the recent times. Nailpolishing, manicuring, pedicuring, and nail-decorations are all integral part of this artistic art. Women today are becoming more and more fashion conscious placing more concern on their overall appearance. The overall look covers the way they dress, shoes they wear, their hair style, and of course

Introduction to Nail Art

Crazy Nail ArtNail art is an exclusive niche that is gaining popularity in recent times. This may be because Hollywood stars like to flaunt the newest styles and right now the focus is on nail art. Nail art nowadays is seen basically as an extension to the myriad personality of the stars, Hollywood or otherwise. You too can be part of the fun by trying out various styles and we can help you with

Nail Style Trends in 2007

Finger Nail ArtHave you been looking at people's nail style these days? Well, things have changed a bit for 2007 and there are new styles and colors that are all the rage. If you have been to a salon to buy some OPI nail polish or some Essie nail polish then you have probably seen the new summer colors and are aware of what the styles are for this summer. If not there is no reason for you to be

Gel Nails Art Ideas

Gel Your Nail ArtDesigner nails can really make you look fashionable and chic. Nail art is one way to make your nails look really good and it lets you experiment with as many designs as the occasions or seasons demand. Nail art is best done by a professional, but you can also give the simpler designs a try at home with your friends. As you get better with the designs you will be able to create

Nail Design

 Nail Design Flower
Nicely manicured fingers will always look attractive. Manicured fingers will not only look stylish, but they also reflect your sense of personal hygiene.

Perfect Airbrush Nails

Airbrush Nails DesignsSimilar to airbrushing plastic toys, t-shirts and other items, you can airbrush nails. To turn your nails into your own little canvas all you need are some stencils, your acetone, a base-coat, different colored nail polish, a top-coat and of course a simple airbrush machine setup which includes an airbrush gun attached to an air compressor.

Nail Design Art

Nail Designs PopularlyNowadays it is easy to find a nail salon to get your nails done. Nail salons have popped up seemly on every block. However, it does get a little expensive to use their services, especially for the advanced care of nail art. Nail art gives a personality to your nails that others will notice and it is really nice to be able to do it your self. In this guide, you will learn

A Stylish Bridal Manicure

Bridal Nail Design Your hands will be front and center on your wedding day. They will hold your bouquet, slip your husband's wedding band on his hand, and of course, will be the center of attention as all of your guests ooh and aah over your own wedding jewelry. To make sure that they look their best, treat your hands to a stylish bridal manicure.

The Beauty of 3D Nail Art

Stereoscopic (3D) Nail ArtCompared to color nail polish and regular Vancouver manicure and pedicure, the creativity of this art is just special. There is limitation to the conventional nail polish. Although it can be mixed with other colors making artistic drawings or art designs on the nail, Vancouver 3D nails emphasize the beauty of fine art and serve as an extension of my imagination. And

French Manicure Art

French manicuresThe French manicure is in fact an American creation. It appeared in France only about 10 years ago, but has been a technique of nail decoration for more than 30 years in America. So why French? Simply to make allusion to the elegance 'A  la francaise' of this technique to polish nails.

New Simple Nail Designs

Simple Nail ArtOne of the simplest ways to add a little bit of creativity is to add texture. Glitter polish can be that necessary embellishment to take simple nail designs from ordinary to high fashion. Too much glitter, however, will ruin your design. Toning glitter down with a solid color is the way to go.

Simple Nail Designs

New Design NailIf you are looking for simple nail designs with a soft look, consider this design. This art can easily be created with white polish, a burgundy colored nail art brush and a file.

Nail Manicure Styles

Styles Nail Art DesignsWe're inundated with choices in practically every aspect of our lives. There are some women who are more confident sporting short nails with a hint of nail color or none at all, while there are others who like to have their nails long and painted in the hottest color of the season.

Creative Nail Design

Beautiful Nail Design GoldWomen love to have beautiful finger nails and men love to see women with well manicured hands. However, there are certain brands of nail polish and nail products that are more beautiful and longer lasting than other products. Of course, they cost a little bit more, but the effects are certainly worth it not to mention much longer lasting. The two best nail polish brands

Simple Designs Yourself

Beautiful Nail Art DesignsBelieve it or not, you do not have to be an artist to do your own nail designs. However, nail designs are a type of art and like art, you start off with basic shapes and keep adding details along the way. And also like art, simplicity is visually pleasing. Here are a few simple nail designs you can try yourself. If you are a beginner, start with the easy ones first to

From Revlon To Revolutionary

Black Flower Nail

The French nail manicure is one of the most popular simple nail designs around. It is simple, yet sleek and natural yet refined. What's great about simple nail designs is that you can change the style and color just slightly to create another interesting element. This black web design is still chic because only the nail tip is done. It is a great look for an evening affair or
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